The corporate culture in a company play as an important role in striving higher profit for the company. To achieve the company goals, the top management need also to build up the good and excellent corporate culture to the employer by providing good and comfort working environment. The tight bonds between employee and employer can drive the employer to be more loyal and also can motivate them to perform the best. If the company already set up the good Corporate Culture then to keep it on the tract or Perpetuating the Culture the process is actually start from the process of Screening and selecting new employees, Systematic indoctrination of new members,Vocal support by senior managers, Rewarding those who display cultural norms, Ceremonies honoring employees, and lastly Telling and retelling of the firm’s legends.
However sometimes because of the certain changes like New or revolutionary technologies, Diversification into new businesses, Rapid growth of the firm, Merger or acquisitionof another firm, Shifting internal conditions and New challenges in the marketplace the company Corporate Culture need some changes and improvement to stay compete in the market.
Among all of the company and organization in Malaysia I think the Corporate Culture in HPA Industries Sdn. Bhd. is different from the other organization. It is because the company Corporate Culture apply and use the Islamic basic. An example of it, before start working all of the worker need to have wudu' first and together in a group read surah yassin. I think this culture can also apply to the other organization other than seeking profit we also can gain "barakah" from ALLAH.
Ok... Finish babbler...hehehe.
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